Lawrence B. Sapp Vice President, Southern Region

Lawrence Sapp joined the NPMHU National Executive Board on October 23, 2012.  Brother Sapp serves as the Southern Region Vice President.

Brother Sapp’s  experiences and accomplishments with the NPMHU are extensive.  He  has represented the Union and its members beginning as a shop steward in 1993 and continuously as an officer since 1996. He has served as Local 318 State Executive Board Member for — years and previously served as the Branch President for the Jacksonville, FL  Network Distribution Center (formerly the Bulk Mail Centet) for 16 years.  Brother Sapp has accumulated knowledge in matters involving Arbitration, EEO, Merit System Protection Board, OWCP,  OSHA, FMLA, member of the BMC/NDC Task Force, National and Local Training regarding Article 12, Casuals, OSHA, FMLA and the Constitution.  He attended Negotiations Training at Harvard University, Tufts University and MIT and Representative Training at George Meany Labor Training Center.  Additionally, Brother Sapp has served on COTF, the Field Negotiating Committee, and  the Committee of the Future.  He is currently a member of the National Shop Steward Trainers Team. Beginning in 1996, he has been a Delegate to five LIUNA National Conventions.

Brother Sapp was re-elected as the VP Southern Region by acclamation at the 2016 Convention and served as Chairman of the Resolutions Committee during the same.

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