February 2025
The National Postal Mail Handlers Union 2022 National Agreement is set to expire on September 20, 2025. Negotiations with the Postal Service will formally commence on June 25, 2025. Our National Agreement establishes wages, benefits and working conditions for Mail Handlers.
The Postal Service continues to claim, both publicly and privately, that it is in dire financial condition. While the Postal Service has experienced a significant decline in first-class mail volumes, there has been significant growth in package volume. The Delivering for America Plan continues to be implemented impacting Mail Handlers through the redesign of the mail processing network.
The challenges we face in National Bargaining are not insurmountable, but they are substantive. Currently the National Association of Letter Carriers, American Postal Workers Union and the National Rural Letter Carriers Association are in contract negotiations with the Postal Service. The NPMHU will work to achieve a negotiated National Agreement; that is our goal, but there are many hurdles to overcome.