Local 297
9429 E. 63rd Street
Raytown, Missouri 64133
Local 297 covers the western half of Missouri and the State of Kansas. We have five major branches and represent approximately 750 Mail Handlers. Our officers and stewards strive to improve the working lives of Mail Handlers by defending their rights and standing up to management, always keeping in mind that we are employed by and serve the American people.
Local 298
NPMHU Local 298
3035 Harney St., #302
Omaha, NE 68131-3635
Local 299
NPMHU Local 299
PO Box 29014
Honolulu, HI 96820
Local 300
Local 300 represents approximately 5,200 Mail Handlers working within the New York City metropolitan area. Our jurisdiction includes the five boroughs of New York City, all of Long Island, north New Jersey, Southwestern Connecticut, and southern New York.
We have many qualified union representatives and successful arbitration advocates that provide the best representation possible to the members. Local 300 is also politically active. We routinely engage our political leaders to ensure that Mail Handlers’ issues are presented favorably on Capitol Hill. We also have had many successful member social activities and events over the years.
Local 301
NPMHU Local 301
971 Worcester Street
Natick, MA 01760
Local 301 represents Mail Handlers in all six of the New England states, including all of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and most of Connecticut.
We have thirteen Branch Presidents and a ten member Local Executive Board. Our Local Union Council consists of 23 members.
There are approximately 3,000 Mail Handlers represented by Local 301, and we are proud to maintain our Union membership rate at approximately 94%.
The "mission" of our Local Union is to provide the best possible representation for our members. To that end, we are constantly educating our Officers and Stewards with the latest information and technology available, so that we can not only keep up with, but stay ahead of, USPS management.
Local 302
NPMHU Local 302
3700 Hilborn Rd
Suite 200
Fairfield, CA 94534
Local 302 covers the jurisdictional area of Northern California and Reno, Nevada. Our mission is to strive to protect the rights of all Mail Handlers and provide prompt, professional, and competent representation.
Local 303
11139 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90047
Local 304
NPMHU Local 304
6509 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45213
Local 304 currently represents over 2,500 members located in the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. Our Local Union Council consists of seven (7) Executive Board members and Branch Presidents. The mission of Local 304 is to protect the rights of the membership and to give the membership the representation that they expect and deserve.
Local 305
NPMHU Local 305
4907 Fitzhugh Ave, #100
Richmond, VA 23230
Local 305 represents Mail Handlers in Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina and West Virginia (with the exception of Wheeling). Local 305 currently has nearly 2,900 members. We have nine executive board members and twenty-three council members.
Our goals are to promote quality representation of our members, foster equality, and advance our motto which is "Our Members are Priority!". We have a dedicated, well trained staff of arbitration advocates and we seek to educate our members by educating our stewards. We remain focused on protecting our craft, policing the contract, and on the individual needs and concerns of our members on a daily basis as we continue to strive for excellence.
Local 306
NPMHU Local 306
9045 S Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60643
Local 307
NPMHU Local 307
2441 W. Grand Blvd.
Suite 201
Detroit, MI. 48208
Local 307 Represents Mail Handlers in the entire state of Michigan. Our goal is to improve the working conditions of all Mail Handlers, protect and expand our Craft jurisdiction of work assignments and advance the Membership of this Local Union.
Local 308
NPMHU Local 308
117 Neshaminy Rd.
Croydon, PA 19021
Headquartered near the "City of Brotherly Love" Local 308 represents Mail Handlers in Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware, encompassing the Postal Districts of Central Pennsylvania, South Jersey, and Philadelphia. With more than two thousand members, Local 308 serves to preserve and protect the contractual rights of Mail Handlers as well as the rights of its members under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Local 309
NPMHU Local 309
3254 Genesee Street
Buffalo, NY 14225
Local 310
NPMHU Local 310
675 Evans Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30310
Local 310 represents Mail Handlers in the State of Georgia and is located in the Southern Region. The goals of Local 310 are to provide the best representation possible for every union member, to establish a strong financial base, and to maintain craft jurisdiction.
Local 311
NPMHU Local 311
2849 W Illinois Ave
Dallas, TX 75233
Local 312
NPMHU Local 312
5637 Superior Dr. Suite B-5
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Local 312's jurisdiction covers all of the state of Louisiana, with branches in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Shreveport, and New Orleans. The Local Union Headquarters Office is located in beautiful Baton Rouge, which sits on the Mississippi River in South central Louisiana. While there are many goals and objectives of Local 312, the three primary goals are maintaining superior representation of union members, financial preparedness, and 100% statewide membership.
Other info: Phone-(504) 481-0726EMAIL- tdav1983army@gmail.comLocal 313
NPMHU Local 313
P.O. Box 366086
San Juan, PR 00936
Local 314
Local 314 represents Mail Handlers in the state of Missouri with branches in St. Louis, Hazelwood, and Columbia. Our Mission is to protect the rights of all Mail Handlers while enforcing the National Agreement. Our Officers and Stewards are dedicated and work tirelessly to ensure that we maintain craft jurisdiction and a quality workplace environment while providing Mail Handlers with only the best representation.
Local 315
NPMHU Local 315
3637 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland, OR 97232
Local 315 originally was formed from three small locals in the State of Oregon (Portland, Salem, and Eugene). Since that time the Local Union has incorporated three additional branches in Beaverton, Bend, and Medford. The Local has a goal: "That all have the same rights." No matter how small or large the branch, all of our members deserve the same. This Local is involved in many activities outside of representing Mail Handlers employed by the USPS. Local 315 was a charter participant in the first Oregon Beach Cleanup and also helps in the clean up of hazardous dumps. Each year the Local awards scholarships for our member's families, and holds an annual picnic at Portland's historic Oaks Amusement Park. The Portland P&DC, consolidating two separate Installations and built in 2018, is the home of USPS' very first EPPS machine in the country.
Local 316
NPMHU Local 316
19530 International Blvd #201
Seattle, WA 98188
Local 316's headquarters is located in Seattle, Washington. The Local has 17 branch offices serving mail Handlers in the states of Washington and Alaska. Our mission is to provide prompt, professional representation while protecting our member's rights.
Local 317
NPMHU Local 317
216 N. Oporto-Madrid Blvd.
Birmingham, AL 35206
Local 318
NPMHU Local 318
7616 Southland Blvd, #103
Orlando, FL 32809
Local 320
NPMHU Local 320
P.O. Box 64081
Phoenix, AZ 85082-4801
Local 321
NPMHU Local 321
1833 West Elk Place
Denver, CO 80211
The mission of Local 321 is to represent, educate, and inform Mail Handler members in the State of Colorado regarding the rules and agreements which govern their place of employment -- the US Postal Service -- in an effort to maintain a quality workplace environment.
Local 322
NPMHU Local 322
841 California Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Local 322 has jurisdiction over the entire area of Western Pennsylvania, including the Pittsburgh P&DC, Pittsburgh NDC, Pennwood P&DC, Greensburg, Uniontown, Washington as well as parts of Central Pennsylvania including Altoona, Butler, Johnstown, New Castle, State College, and Wheeling, West Virginia.
The goals of this Local are to provide the best service possible to our membership, to improve both regular and associate membership, and to obtain as many Mail Handler positions as possible within our jurisdiction.
We provide Union functions for all branch offices including social activities, shop steward training, arbitration training, and any other activities and/or training deemed necessary to achieve our goals.
Local 323
NPMHU Local 323
1602 Selby Avenue #5
St. Paul, MN 55104
Local 324
NPMHU Local 324
4120 N.W. 23st.
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Local 324 of Oklahoma has jurisdiction over the entire state of Oklahoma. We represent more than 220 Mail Handlers in Oklahoma City and more than 180 Mail Handlers in Tulsa. There also are approximately 8,000 associate members within our jurisdiction. We are dedicated to the enlargement of the Mail Handler craft within Oklahoma. Protecting and servicing our membership is our primary mission. We are proud of the job our members do for the Postal Service and especially proud to be Mail Handlers.
Local 325
NPMHU Local 325
P.O. Box 23849
Jackson, MS 39225
Local 325 represents Mail Handlers in Jackson, Mississippi and Gulfport Mississippi. The mission for our Local is to provide the best possible representation by engaging each member one on one and protect the rights of all Mail Handlers.
Local 327
NPMHU Local 327
P.O. Box 30001
Billings, MT 59107
Local 328
NPMHU Local 328
P.O. Box 647
Sioux Falls, SD 57101
Local 328 is dedicated to the betterment of its members and the advancement of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union as a whole. We strive to uphold the strength and integrity of the Mail Handler craft by successfully representing the Mail Handlers in South Dakota on contractual, safety and human rights issues and by working to achieve 100% participation in the Union.
Local 329
1818 Winchester Rd, #200
Memphis, TN 38116
Local 329 of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union was chartered on October 25, 1978. Our jurisdiction covers two states, Tennessee and Arkansas, with sixteen (16) branches.
The declaration of this Local Union is to ensure that all members are equally represented, and we strive to protect all within the jurisdiction of our craft and our contract.
Local 330
NPMHU Local 330
P.O. Box 8231
Boise, ID 83707
Local 330 covers all of southern Idaho and southwest Oregon. Our headquarters are in Boise, Idaho, with a branch office in Pocatello, Idaho. Currently, a new processing and distribution center is under construction with occupancy expected in the spring of 1999. It is the goal of Local 330 to keep all members informed and to involve as many members as possible in the operational activities and social functions of our local.
Local 331
NPMHU Local 331
P.O.Box 25364
Albuquerque, NM 87125
Local 332
NPMHU Local 332
2261 S Redwood Road #6
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
The geographical jurisdiction of Local 332 encompasses the State of Utah. Currently there are 2 branches within the Local -- Salt Lake and Provo. There are 170 plus mail handlers in Salt Lake and 22 in Provo.
The mission of this Local and its Officers is to protect the rights and jobs of our present members, and to ensure that these rights and jobs are here for new members as they are hired. The future of this Local and our Union lies in the hands of the new mail handlers being hired. It is imperative that we, the present representatives, get these new members involved.
Local 333
NPMHU Local 333
119 19th Street #204
W Des Moines, IA 50265