Contract Administration Department

National Headquarters:

The National Headquarters for the NPMHU are located in Washington, DC. The primary focus at the National Office is the negotiation and administration of the National Agreement between the NPMHU and the U.S. Postal Service. These tasks are accomplished through the NPMHU Contract Administration Department


Teresa Harmon - Manager
Neil Ryan - Assistant to the National Officers
Eugene Horton – National Representative
Tom Ruther- National Representative


National Postal Mail Handlers Union
815 16th Street NW, Suite 5100
Washington, D.C. 20006
Office (202) 833-9095
Fax (202) 296-6339

Regional Offices:

The Regional Offices are located in Washington, DC, and Denver, CO. These offices provide representation at the Step 3 level of the grievance-arbitration procedure in accordance with Article 15 of the National Agreement. As part of their duties, the representatives working in these Regional Offices review all Step 3 appeals submitted to the Regional Office, prepare detailed grievance summaries for each appealed case, and determine whether each appealed case is properly developed to allow for proper discussion. Representatives also submit timely and detailed correspondence to the appropriate Step 2 representative, outlining any discrepancies related to an appealed case and requesting specific information from the Local Union that may enhance a case prior to the official discussion. Regional representatives structure and prepare interpretive issues to Step 4 of the grievance procedure, process and/or assist in the processing of regional-level arbitrations, and provide information to Local Unions and, to the extent necessary, to the National Office about pending arbitrations and/or unresolved grievances.

Beyond trying to maintain a manageable case load, the Regional staff maintain and enhance the flow of information between the National and Local Unions within the Region, among Local Unions themselves, and between the Regional Offices.

Eastern Region – Washington, DC: Pervous (Andy) Badilishamwalimu, Director

Northeast Region - Washington, DC: Patrick Donovan, Director
Southern Region – Washington, DC: Eileen Mills, Director
Western and Central Region - Denver, CO: Max Rehbein, Director
Western Region - Denver, CO: Nick Lehto, Director/Manager
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