Teresa Harmon Manager

Teresa has been a Mail Handler since 1987, and first became a steward in 1989 at the Dulles, VA postal facility. Since then, she has served as Chief Shop Steward, Branch President, and Virginia State Executive Board Member for her home Local 305. As an advocate, Teresa has arbitrated several hundred cases and negotiated hundreds of pre-arbitration settlements, in not only contract and discipline matters, but also jurisdictional disputes under RI-399 and local impasse cases under Article 30. Teresa has served the Contract Administration Department in several capacities since her appointment in 2012, first as the Eastern Regional Director- a prelude to her swift appointment to the National CAD staff. On April 15, 2017, Teresa was appointed to her current position of Manager, Contract Administration Department. As CAD Manager, Teresa will superintend all contractual matters at the National Office and all Regional Offices. Teresa will sit on the Article 12 Task Force and shall represent the members’ best interests in all forums.