Media Center

May 2024


With proposals from the USPS Delivering for America (DFA) plan that would impact processing and distribution centers (P&DCs) as well as the network, members of Congress are growing more and more concerned in regards to service and delivery. To this point, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), held an oversight hearing on April 16. In his opening statement, Chairman Gary Peters (D-MI) commented, “There is no clear evidence that shows the changes will improve service in the long run. When I have repeatedly asked the Postal Service for detailed studies, it cannot provide them.”
To abate these concerns, DeJoy and USPS has put a pause on any changes to facilities that would be impacted by the MPFRs until January 1, 2025. It should be noted, however, that these changes will be reinstated after the 2024 federal elections which could bring changes in leadership in the Administration, the Senate, and the House. With this uncertainty, the NPMHU cannot count that further drastic changes will not take place in the new year. Additionally, there should be vigilance during the seven months between now and January 1. If service continues to decline and on-time delivery suffers, there is concern that there could be calls for privatization as USPS is not meeting its constitutionally mandated mission.
The NPMHU will continue to work with members of both the House of Representatives and Senators on these service issues. We will continue to inform them on how any possible changes to the network would impact not only our members and mail handler jobs, but also the ramifications changes would have on customers and the sustainability of the United States Postal Service.

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