During turbulent times the last things we remember is EAP is available to us 24/7. EAP provides an array of services to help our MHs negotiate whatever challenges they’re experiencing albeit personally or professionally.
- PDF CIR_HANDOUT_Coronavirus-AvoidingFear,Rumors,FalseInformationAndPanic
- PDF CIR_HANDOUT_Coronavirus-GraceUnderPressure
- PDF CIR_HANDOUT_Coronavirus-GuidanceForLeadership-PrepareWithoutPanic
- PDF CIR_HANDOUT_Coronavirus-StaySociallyConnectedAndAvoidLoneliness
- PDF CIR_HANDOUT_Coronavirus-SupportAroundTheClock
- PDF CIR_HANDOUT_Coronavirus-WaysToHelpManageYourStress
- PDF USPS EAP Behavioral Health During a Pandemic-Public Health Emergency_For