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USPS Issues Statement on the MOU on Liberal Changes of Schedule and Leave

Please find linked below a copy of the above-reference document from the Postal Service regarding the signed Memorandum of Understanding temporarily expanding the use of Sick Leave for Dependent Care to allow employees to use their sick leave for unexpected childcare needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to allowing Sick Leave for Dependent Care, for the next 60-day period, managers and supervisors should allow liberal changes of schedule in recognition of the disruption caused by the COVIDF-19 pandemic.

To the extent operationally practicable, managers and supervisors should accommodate employees who submit PS Form 3189, Request for Temporary Change of Schedule for Personal Convenience as a result of child care issues caused by daycare closures, school (Pre-K through Grade 12) closures or the unavailability of a child’s primary caregiver as a result of COVID-19 pandemic.

Manager and Supervisors should also allow liberal sick leave usage for employees who are sick, and liberal annual and leave without pay (LWOP) usage to the extent operationally feasible during this time period. If an employee request leave for reasons related to COVID-19, such leave should be treated as scheduled (as opposed to unscheduled) leave. Leave taken for COVID-19 related reasons between February 29, 2020, and May 17, 2020 may not be cited in discipline for failing to maintain an assigned schedule under ELM 511.43.

Memorandum: re USPS issues statement on the MOU on Liberal Changes of Schedule and Leave (pdf)

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