Dan St. Marie Vice President, Northeastern Region

Dan St. Marie was elected by acclamation to the position of Northeast Region Vice President at the 2024 NPMHU National Convention.

Dan started his Postal Service career in 1994 as a mail handler at the Springfield MA BMC/GMF (now the NDC). He began representing mail handlers in Springfield in 2004 as a Shop Steward. He was elected Springfield Branch President in 2008 and served in that position until March 2012. He served Local 301 as Vice President from April 2012 - December 2013 and was elected Local President in 2017.

Dan has served Local 301 as an Arbitration Advocate since 2008. He has been part of the Field Negotiating Committee since 2019 and has served on the Committee on the Future since 2021. He has also served as a Delegate to each NPMHU National Convention since 2008 and as a Constitution Committee Member since 2020.

Dan has received NPMHU Training in Arbitration Advocacy, Modified Arbitration Procedure, Injury Compensation, FMLA, LMOU Negotiations, RI-399 Dispute Resolution, and Financial Management. He is currently the Local 301 Shop Steward Trainer and a National Shop Steward Trainer.

Dan has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration - Accounting and has taken courses through the Labor Guild of Boston’s School of Labor Relations.

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