John A. Gibson Vice President, Eastern Region

Brother Gibson was appointed to fill the unexpired term of office as Vice President, Eastern Region, effective on June 6, 2015 and elected to that position in October of 2016.  John has served as an officer of Local 308 for 20 years, including four terms as Branch President of the Philadelphia Network Distribution Center (formerly, the Philadelphia Bulk Mail Center) and four years as Vice President.  John is currently in his third term as Local President serving Local 308’s membership of more than 2,200 bargaining unit mail handlers – covering approximately 30 facilities in Delaware, South Jersey, and Eastern Pennsylvania, including the entire Philadelphia metropolitan area.

John started with the Postal Service at the NJI & BMC in June 1985, transferring to Philadelphia in 1986.  Shortly thereafter, John began his service to the Union first as a shop steward in the Philadelphia BMC, and then as the facility's Branch President in 1999, serving four terms immediately prior to his election as local president in 2011.  In his many years, John has both attended and conducted a plethora of training programs, including matters of contract enforcement, safety & health, casual usage, the defense and rights of MHAs, and Article 12, to highlight just a few.  John served as a National spokesperson during the Ergonomic Risk Reduction Process rollout, has sat on the Safety and Health Committees for the Eastern & Cap Metro Areas, and now proudly serves as National Shop Steward Trainer.

John has attended the George Meany Labor College and is a seasoned arbitration advocate with extensive experience in matters of jurisdictional and contract enforcement in the dispute resolution and grievance-arbitration processes.  He has previously served the NPMHU in an ad-hoc capacity as the Eastern Region Director and has served the Eastern Region as its RI-399 Committee Member and as a member of the RI-399 SWAT team.  John also was elected to represent Local 308 as a Delegate to previous NPMHU National and LIUNA International Conventions.

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