John (J.R.) Macon Vice President, Southern Region

Brother Macon began his postal career as a PTF Mail Handler at the Cardis Collins GMF in Chicago, IL. In 1983, Brother Macon transferred to Memphis, TN P&DC. In 1993 he joined the battleline, as a Steward fighting for workers’ rights, safety, and our craft jurisdictions. In 1997 he transitioned to the position of Chief Steward. In 2000, he was elected as Local 329 Recording Secretary. In 2003, Brother Macon was elected Branch President Memphis P&DC, and its connected facilities. In 2009, he was elected President Local 329 representing Mail Handlers in Tennessee and Arkansas. Since 2011 Brother Macon has served on the National Field Negotiations Committee. In 2013 he was appointed to the Committee on the Future. On October 25, 2024 Brother Macon was elected as the Southern Region Vice President.

Brother Macon has been a Delegate to all NPMHU National Convention since 2000 and has served on the Credentials Committee and the Legislative and Political Committee. In addition, he has been a Delegate to all LiUNA Conventions since 2006.

Brother Macon has extensive experience in representing Mail Handlers in the grievance process as well as EEO, OWCP and MSPB. He has worked to improve the “Quality Working Life” of Mail Handlers, to ensure safe working conditions, and a work environment free of hostility.

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