June Harris Vice President, Central Region

June Harris began her postal career at the Chicago Bulk Mail Center facility, in Forest Park Illinois in 1984. She became a shop steward in 1992, and progressed to chief steward in 1996.  June is a skilled Arbitration Advocate for Local 306 and a member of the Chicago NDC QWL Local Joint Steering Committee.  In June of 2001, Sister Harris secured the position of Recording Secretary of Local 306, a position she held until she was duly elected as Vice President in 2008, a position she held until 2013.  In 2014, Harris assumed the position of Local President.  June has since been reelected and currently serves as President of Local 306.  On October 28, 2016, June was elected as the Central Region Vice President on the National Executive Board.

June has served as an elected delegate to several of the NPMHU National Conventions – including her service as Chairwoman of the Election Committee at the 2012 convention.  She was also a member of the NPMHU National RI-399 Arbitration Team. June holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration.

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