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NPMHU and USPS Reach Agreement to Convert 2702 MHAs to Career Full-time Regular by September 10, 2022

Memorandum of Understanding Re: Additional Mail Handler Staffing Q&As on the MOU: Re: Additional Mail Handler Staffing - June 26, 2022 (pdf)

Attached to this memorandum is a new MOU signed by the NPMHU and the Postal Service to provide for additional Mail Handler staffing by converting 2702 Mail Handler Assistants to full-time regular career employment no later than September 10, 2022.  Also attached is a chart listing the 197  installations in which these conversions will take place and the number of conversions that will take place in each listed installation. The parties have also agreed in this MOU that the MHA peak season exception period for the 2022 peak season will be expanded by one (1) pay period.

Additionally, the parties have agreed to a Joint Question and Answer document addressing and affirming the parties’ mutual understanding and interpretation of the provisions contained in this MOU, which is also attached.

Please do not hesitate to contact the National CAD should you have any questions.

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