Media Center

April 2024

Contract Administration Department

After a long and prominent career with the NPMHU, Don Gonzales, Manager of the Denver Field Office has announced his retirement effective on May 31, 2024.

With Brother Gonzales retiring, National President Hogrogian has made additional appointments within the Regional CAD Staff. First, National President Hogrogian has appointed Regional CAD representative Nick Lehto to serve as Manager of the NPMHU’s Denver Field Office, effective June 1, 2024.

With Nick’s appointment to Denver Field Office Manager, National President Hogrogian next appointed Max Rehbein as CAD Regional Director with representational responsibilities that include the Central and Western Regions.

Please join us in congratulating Don Gonzales on his well-deserved retirement, and in congratulating Nick Lehto on his new appointment in the Contract Administration Department. In addition, we welcome Max Rehbein to the position of Regional Director in the NPMHU Contract Administration Department.

NPMHU Mourns Passing of
Richard Siu
Former Western Regional Director

It is with regret and sorrow that the National Office announces the passing of Brother Richard Siu, retired Western Regional Director. 

Please keep the Siu Family in your thoughts and prayers.

Workers’ Memorial Day
April 28, 2024

Every year on April 28, the Unions of the AFL-CIO come together to observe Workers’ Memorial Day a day to remember those who have suffered and died on the job and to renew the fight for safe jobs. 

On April 28, 2024, please remember those who have suffered and died on the job and renew the fight for strong safety and health protections for a safe workplace.

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