Member Resources

2024 NPMHU National and Local Union Constitution

Constitution of the
National Postal Mail Handlers Union

As Amended By The National Convention
August 19–23, 2024


We, the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, establish this Constitution in order to form a more perfect Union.

We believe that all working people and all human beings have a right to a safe and decent living at a reasonable wage and that all members of society are entitled to equal and fair justice.

We believe that all people, regardless of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, physical or mental handicap, or creed are entitled to equal opportunity and treatment. We further believe that all members of society should challenge such pernicious evils as racism, sexism, and capital’s domination of labor.

We also believe that it is important for the working class to ever realize that “in unity there is strength” and that “an injury to one is an injury to all.”

Click here to view and download the 2024 National and Uniform Local Union Constitution (pdf)

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